25th-27th October, 2024 in collaboration with interior showroom HOMEART
The stand exposition brings together the works of three artists working with organic materials, exploring the elements of nature. As true unbreakable bonds, they forever connect the universe and man.
The centre of the exposition is a triptych by Katya Pugach, made in the unusual technique of applying volcanic black sand on the surface. Increasingly immersed in the concept of bio-art, in recent years the artist has been painting with new techniques and materials, for example, in the presented works she paints the composition with a magnet rather than an art brush. In the presented object "Instinct or the desire for symmetry" Pugach uses Italian black sand Ostia, known for its high iron content, magnetising it and intuitively creating a work inspired by the sea and the blood vessels of our body. Going into an extensive search for symmetry in biomorphic structures the artist follows a visual metaphor, encouraging the pursuit of balance, equilibrium and all-ness.
Ivan Belyaev works with ceramics, paying particular attention to focusing on the material. Belyaev's artistic practice is to focus on the material with a special subtle quality, in response to which the beauty of chance is revealed. Ivan maintains a respectful distance, believing that the object "happens" as much as he participates in its occurrence. The main thing for the artist is the equivalence of the material and the absence of the spirit of exploitation, as any artistic process is a transformation of experience into the experience of art - a vision of the beauty of the relationship between the phenomena of the world.
Yan Tikhonenko works on plywood sheets, using them as a canvas. He applies layers of earth and homogeneous pigments as well as organic materials, incorporating found artefacts such as twigs, moss and stones into the composition. The passage of time, and its stillness in the absence of measurement, inspires the artist. Taking the most essential material as a basis, Tikhonenko comprehends man's place in eternity.
Thus, our stand expresses the triunity of approaches to working with ideas about material and nature and their reincarnations: Pugach's bio-symmetry, Belyaev's contemplation and Tikhonenko's basis of being.
At the same time, the presented authors work with materials that are similar in their characteristics - organic materials like clay, sand, earth, pigments are each interpreted in the multifaceted works of the artists. The ideas of the objects, their moods, their essence are contained in the very mediums of which they are composed, this is the unity of the authors.
The focal point of the stand is also a large installation by Yan Tikhonenko Elemental made of earth, which personifies the base, the foundation of human life, the connection between the past and the future. Elemental is an art object on par with the other works in the stand, which will combine the visual and tactile aspects of art perception. As in Yan's works, earth is mixed with epoxy resin to form a monolithic layer that holds many secrets and artefacts.